Have you heard of the new environmentally friendly and low-cost "plastic concrete"?
How to deal with plastic waste is a huge problem all over the world.Most of the waste produced by humans is buried or burned, and only 9% can be recycled.
Hungary's latest patent allows it to turn unrecyclable or hard-to-process plastic waste into concrete, a building material used on many construction sites.Instead of recycling plastic or other waste materials, the technology USES two things: a grinder and a glue-like additive to turn plastic waste into concrete.
The plastic waste is first ground, and then an additive developed by the hungarians mixes tiny plastic particles with cement and water to form concrete.This special additive can bond cement and powdered plastic waste together.
This "plastic concrete" can replace traditional building materials, and the plastic particles in it make it more flexible to use than traditional concrete.According to the inventor, it is best suited for building highways and sidewalks.
Hungary Masuko co. Ltd. received the patent for the invention of the project.The technology is a good choice for countries particularly affected by plastic pollution, such as China, India and Chile, especially for dealing with the floating plastic waste that causes serious problems in the oceans.
The way the patent is implemented is simple and does not require much material or equipment other than grinders, plastic waste and additives.As long as the waste can be ground to about 10mm, it can be used to produce "plastic concrete", such as scrap car parts, glass, any kind of plastic (not clean, not classified) and so on.
The invention could provide a way to reuse plastic waste.It is simple, low cost and can be used for building materials while also helping to deal with a large amount of waste.

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